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#8 How to Fire Staff

This is a difficult place to be in but its quite common.  Firing staff can have many implications, such as,  legally,  financially and even competitively.  In firing staff you must always bare in mind the employee has a right to fairness and do not allow emotions cloud your decision.  Their are steps you must take before firing an employee that goes like this:

  1. Set work expectations - This means that the employee is fully aware of what is or isn't accepted.
  2. Verbally communicate - Have a chat with the employee about the negative behavior, warning them of the path they are on.
  3. In writing - Have a file on employees and document the continuation of the negative behavior which is a further warning to the verbal warning.

Once you have completed the above steps you can now peacefully have the meeting where you let go of the employee.  Always pay an employee for time worked before letting them go and consider financial compensation.

Please see this helpful video for more details

This brings me to the end of staffing! Stay tuned for my next segment on dealing with profits


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