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#7 How to keep staff motivated

Now that you understand how to hire staff, your next challenge will be to keep them focused and motivated. One of the challenges of having a new business with staff is the unpredictability and uncertainty.  Sometimes you wonder if having this business was a good idea to begin with, so it might be a little difficult to motivate your staff at times.  One personal recommendation I always suggest to business owners is, know your employee.  This means understanding what stage in their life cycle they are and have sit down meetings and listen to them.  According to new businesses are plagued with the high turnover rate of employees and most times training new staff cuts down productivity. 

 Here is my TOP 5 ways to motivate staff:

  1. Be an example
    • If you want a hard working team you need to work hard and not focus on delegating.
  2. Communicate
    • Always remind your team of the high expectations of the company and try to meet with team members individually.
  3. Listen
    • listen to complaints and criticism and take it constructively.
  4. Show interest
    • If a team member is having personal issues see how you can help.
  5. Hire the right person
    • If you hired a negative person who is not self motivated, you cannot expect to change this person.

For a more in dept look at how to motivate staff read this article from  "10 Ways to Motivate your employees".

Thank you for reading stay tuned for my next post on how to fire persons from you business.


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