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To create a leading business blog by bringing relevant information to budding entrepreneurs.


# 20 Thank you

B usiness ownership can be a challenging task to assume but I am grateful that you choose this route.  A hustler can only get so far in this life, but,  a legal business entity is a force to be reckoned with.  I suggest that throughout this process of starting and formulating your business that you be hungry for knowledge.  You should surround yourself with like minded individuals to shape the way you think.  Having a successful mentor who believes in you is an excellent way to troubleshoot and brainstorm.  In my life journey I've realized that that hiring or working with the wrong persons can mean the doom of your ambitions.  View the following video for a couple tips on being a business owner: Thank you for reading!

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#19 Should I sell my Business

#18 When should I quit my full time job

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#11 Money talks but keep quiet

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