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# 6 Who to hire

When starting a business bare in mind, the first few persons you hire will set the tone or future of the company.  Before you begin hiring ensure you create a strong vision and mission for your company , this will attract the right persons and/or make it easier to convince  talent  to come work for you.  When hiring, consider your "fans", this means hiring persons who will take pride within the company, work harder and have great things to say about your company (word of mouth marketing).  You can also consider remote employees,  this means hiring persons who can handle the digital aspect of the company for a lower cost,  this is my favorite website for such. 

According to you must create an environment or business model that is "attractive"  and causes persons to seek you out for employment. This can be a relaxed working environment, great working culture and even flexible working hours.  These go a long way in getting more out of your employees in the long run. 

The interview process can be difficult for a startup business so please view the following video to provide some enlightenment:

Stay tuned for my next post on keeping hired staff motivated.


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